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Are your cloud costs out of control?

Deflate them.

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Cloud Waste is an epidemic. We're here to cure it.

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AWS, Azure & Google

We support the unique commercial nuances that quietly inflate costs across all major clouds.

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No Tech Jargon

We focus on a business orientated approach to gain visibility, governance, and leverage on your cloud costs.

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We don't walk away

We provide ongoing support and advice to ensure your technology and business teams continue to meet cost goals.

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Cloud is costing you money as you read this.

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Take Back Control

We take a business-orientated approach to helping you gain visibility, leverage, and execute cost savings on the major cloud providers. We build a plan that meets financial targets, assesses your technology and road map, and help you define and meet cost targets that are relevant to your business.

We don't just provide dashboards for your cloud spend, we help you interpret them, make decisions, and define the right level of accountability and design for your cloud spend. We can review your existing contracts too and help negotiate a better deal based on your business goals.


We help you assess, build, and govern cloud cost management

Flash Assessment

Want a quick perspective? Let us review your cloud bill against best practices and our unique industry benchmarks.



Build a bridge to the lowest cloud costs including creating a governance structure on the technology team’s use of cloud, their roadmap, and provide a plan to bring down costs.

Delfation Coach

We provide ongoing support services for the financial and technology teams to maintain commitment to managing costs.

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